Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Day YOU and I were born.

Birthday. Simple.

This day has a different meaning to every person. It's the day you grow older, of course that's just numerically and we celebrate it hoping to experience this day again and again in our life! 

For most people, it's a day which they spend with their family and friends. For few it's about secretly hoping for a surprise party or being nervous about someone forgetting to wish them, for some it is just their day and nothing else matters, it's the day they have been waiting for an entire year. It's like a festival of some sorts for some! 

For me, well, it's just a day I realise how fast the earlier year went by. My friends and family are more enthusiastic about my birthday than me. 
It's a crime to sleep before midnight of course! 

I don't really wait for everyone to wish me, that gives me a chance to exploit them the next day if they don't!
It's a day for me when it becomes monotonous saying "thanks", the tone changes after a while.
It's a day when many acquaintances call me after an year and never show-up for another year.
It's the day I prefer family over everyone else. 

I write this on my birthday, for the first time - far away from home, family and friends. It's definitely different altogether, not bad, just different!

So far it's been an hell of an expensive day coz of incoming roaming charges. Lost most of my balance  (It was a lot by the way). Haha. 

I'm amongst many strangers here. Only some are aware of the significance of this day for me. It doesn't feel like a birthday at work. The occasional wishes via calls and messages are reminding me that it is, indeed! 

A celebration is not feasible here. Gifts and celebrations, they all await me home! I don't miss it. The delay ups the craving though.  

I'm not the happiest today, but content! 

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